[ to contact us ]

When you need expertise, advice or extra hands on deck, Arts ink is your go-to partner. We’ll pull the strongest players from our bench to join your team for as long as we’re needed.

Wish you had a designer to make your latest ad campaign sing? Maybe you’re looking for strategies to engage online audiences or new ways to increase your donor base. Call us. We’ll talk through your needs, devise a plan of action, and let you know how we can take you from where you are to where you want to be.


We’re all in.

Let’s face it — we work when you need us to work. Early summer you’re likely to find us strategizing for the next arts season while enjoying a tasty beverage at Kieran’s. In the fall we’re all in — when the season is busy, so are we.

We do understand and appreciate what you do and the hours of a typical artist. We are always more than happy to connect with you after rehearsal or at intermission. We’ll adjust to you — we couldn’t call ourselves “an agency for the arts” if we weren’t flexible and sensitive to the artistic process.